Kirsche Wolfe
Kirsche is the always apathetic barkeep of the local tavern in town. Always willing to lend an ear to those willing to talk to him. He is often praised for this trait, but the truth is, it's easy to listen to people when you couldn't care less about them. They come in. They talk. They buy drinks. And as long as they are buying, they can talk to Kirsche until their lips fall off. Doesn't make a difference to him. Most of the time, he doesn't even have good advice, if he even bothers responding at all, but luckily, most people just need a person to talk at before arriving at their own solutions anyway. Ironically enough, Kirsche is never seen drinking himself, but he's never seen without a bottle within reach. Jacques especially enjoys talking to him. Rumor has it they know each other more personally than bartender and patron, but you wouldn't know it by the passive way Kirsche treats him. Nevertheless, he is happy to cough up information, gossip, and facts of interest whenever Jacques asks.
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